Coffee With Strangers- Regular Cappuccino Drinker, No Sugar or Added Bullsh*t.

- Coffee With Strangers -

- Regular Cappuccino Drinker, No Sugar or Added Bullsh*t.

I get bothered when media coverage doesn't provide sources or evidence for their statements. For instance, the recent Syrian chemical attacks and the ensuing cruise missile launches. The media has essentially claimed that Assad has used chemical weapons on his own people without supplying any real hard evidence that he did so. It really forces anyone who really wants to know what is actually going on there to do their own research and read between the lines of multiple sources. 
I don't know... I just feel that it's a waste of time and it really bothers me that people can spread hate and fear to people who trust them to deliver a well researched and documented truth. I mean I'm a historian... I love media, but I hate media... you get me?
Posted By Isabella


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