Coffee With Strangers- From An Obsessive Cappuccino drinker up to 100,000 pgs Of Notes!

- Coffee With Strangers -

(Obsessive Cappuccino Drinker- The Fig, Dural)

"I can be obsessive, but my obsessions are also productive. I have found life very interesting. I write every day, I have over 100,000 pages in drafts at home organised chronologically.

I have written a story about my life every day between 1985 to 2013, meaning on top of the 100,000 pages in drafts I also have 20,000 pages in notes. Right now I am in the editing phase. I will be done with it in a couple of years. After that I am going to copy the whole manuscript by hand. Computers are too finicky to trust with something this important. With caffeine, I think I can finish the job in 10 years! I think I can live that long..."

Posted By Isabella


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